Hi LongHairGal - it's a great tank. Bit like a complete suit of amor but that much more effective for apparently helpless ones like me. It really took them by surprise when I came at them, with my foot down. One of the highlights was turning up at the elders meeting - I knocked on the door and guess what, they wouldn't come to the door. Eventually, one came out and pretended there was no elders meeting going on. Unfortunately for him, his wife had just told me exactly what was going on, so I told him I knew all the elders were in there.Eventually a couple of elders were willing to come to the door for a few seconds to be personally handed my letter to them. One of those elders was the brother who enjoyed toilet cleaning. I suppose I was there 20 mins max. Had the front door closed in my face 6 times. Finally, as I protested my innocence to this brother, he said, "can we leave it there Anna."
Farqueue - Even if Sour Grapes did get a brush, he might not have been given the right size brush. And complaining about brush size is not theocratic. There have been videos made on such matters.